Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Social Media - Assume The Best

That's my mantra, and I'm really trying to stick to it. When on social media, don't jump to conclusions you have no basis for. Assume the best.

With the written word, it's very easy to read comments with your own mood or bias as the back drop. I was shocked recently to be called "malicious" on a serious discussion thread. A woman had left a comment about third world sweat shops, cheap clothing and what we can do to improve the situation. I simply wanted to expand on her comment. We were so on the same page. Admittedly I should have started mine with "Absolutely" or "Agreed" instead of just launching in to more of what she was saying. Her response to my response was stunning. She was absolutely livid with me and thought I was being a complete bitch. It took me about five readings of my comment to figure out how she had come to her conclusion and I never got to explain myself because the newspaper closed the thread. Pah!

If you think about it, almost any comment or Tweet can be taken at least two different ways. It's a minefield. Try saying this in an angry, accusing voice and then in a genuine, inquiring one -

"How did you reach that conclusion?"


"Why would anyone do that?"

Sigh. Once on the "being offended" path, there's almost no going back for most people. One side tries to explain what they really meant and the other side can't swallow his/her pride and accept it. Instead s/he remains righteous and indignant, and it becomes "Well, you should have......" etc. and all judgmentally.

So let's all try to pause, read a comment twice and look for the best instead of the worst shall we? And let's remind each other from time to time too.


  1. You cannot be serious!?

    *said standing on my head, whistling Dixie and blowing bubbles from my nether regions*

    LCM x

  2. I've been floored by comments myself from time to time. It's made me back off from posting responses now and I feel better for it. Except for this one of course. :D

  3. I removed my previous comment because I was complaining about not being able to post my comment. and then it DID post. clearly I don't have a clue what I'm doing.

    1. That's what you get when you post at 5am Clippy.


I have strong opinions but love a good debate. What I don't like are insults, trolling and general bad manners. If you fit the bill, please jump in. If not, you will be exterminated (from this blog, at least).